BOD elections will take place on Monday, November 11, 2019 at 7pm.
There are four nominees for the two open positions. You must be in attendance to vote.
Nominee Statements
Jeff Detrick
Hello ACC members!
My name is Jeff Detrick and I am running for the board of directors on Nov 11th. I am running for the BoD because I have a strong passion for introducing new shooters to the sport, and I believe that introducing people to shooting is the only way to preserve the second amendment for future generations.
In addition to the shooting sports, I dedicate myself to training as a responsibly armed citizen. I feel our facility is one of the best places in the Midwest for this type of training. I see ACC as being a Go-To Destination for people looking for quality, accountable training to enhance their day to day lives and be able to test those skills through the matches we hold weekly in various disciplines. My vision is to expand the opportunities for training at the club for those new in their journey, and challenge those further along to enhance their skill set.
I encourage our members to introduce someone unfamiliar to shooting to our facility and be an advocate in your community. The second amendment is for every citizen regardless of race, sex, religion, or political affiliation, and the only way 2A will survive is to educate those around us. Be solutionaries!
Thank you for considering me when you vote on Nov 11th.
See you on the range!
Jeff Detrick
Lou Peragallo
My name is Lou Peragallo. I am married with two daughters, am retired and live in Westfield. I have been a member of Atlanta Conservation Club for 6 years. I currently serve on the Board of Directors as your Vice President. I also serve as the New Member Director. I compete in USPSA, Steel Challenge while my prime interest is IDPA. I am an IDPA Chief Safety Officer and travel the country competing in many events.
As a member of your board I strive to protect the interests of our members by ensuring a safe and secure environment at the club. I work with the board to maintain and improve conditions at the facility while promoting all shooting sports. I believe an active club makes an impact in protecting our 2nd Amendment rights.
I appreciate your support for my re-election to the board.
Lou Peragallo
Katie Riley
My name is Katie Riley. I first became aware of ACC about 4 years ago during a presentation about shooting sports and opportunities that existed. It took me about another year after that before I really began to explore what ACC had to offer and start becoming a member of our wonderful range family. Three years ago I started shooting IDPA at ACC and that introduced me to our membership and may more opportunities. I officially joined the ACC family 2 years ago. I am a USCCA certified firearms instructor, NRA safety officer, and IDPA safety officer. I also had the opportunity to spend 2 years in leadership in the Westfield, IN chapter of the Well Armed Woman. As ACC moves forward into the coming years, I'd like to see us explore options to further engage women & youth into shooting and the shooting sports. Demographically, women are one of the quickest growing segments in the firearms industry, and many of them are looking for opportunities to learn, practice, and grow. Youth are always the future of shooting & the shooting sports; the hobby / lifestyle / past-time of shooting won't continue without them to bolster it forward.
Outside of shooting, I'm a technical program lead and technical program manager for BorgWarner (in Noblesville), currently working on the production launch of an electric motor of a hybrid vehicle. Other hobbies (outside of shooting) include quilting, reading, and spending as much time with family as possible.
Katie Riley
John Zerbo
My name is John Zerbo and I was recently nominated for the ACC Board of Directors. I have been a member at Atlanta for 2 years. Before I came to Atlanta I was a member at Elwood CC. I made the move mainly because I thought Atlanta was a much better fit from a security and operational procedures point, also gun safety is foremost at ACC.
I'm retired from Emerson Appliance Controls a division Emerson Electric Co. I was with the company for 33 years in various management positions. During this time the company was owned by 6 different parent companies. I learned early in my career to be flexible and respect others point of view and goals that were set for employees. Sometimes these changes were not the changes that I thought were best but I was willing to give them a try and earn the respect of others within the company.
If I'm elected to the ACC Board I will bring these same values and flexibility with me to be a team player. Being retired I will have the time to accomplish whatever is needed.
I respectfully ask for your vote,
John Zerbo